Last few days have been pretty lucky for me.
I won a few contests are out there on the www. Here is what I won.
1) The mbaMission weekly Challenge on twitter – As a prize I won the NYU Stern Insiders Guide. Perfect time for me as I am in the process of researching NYU Stern right now.
2) The BTG $100K Challenge – I won “The GMAT Practice Questions Premium Subscription” ($99 value).
3) BTG Reviewers Account – Eric (BTG) e-mailed me that I (along with a few fella bloggers) were being provided with a review account to the Practice Questions. The good part of this is that, if I use this and provide an honest review – I will get 5 premium accounts. I definitely plan to do that (review) over the next couple of days. If you are wondering why I am studying again after submitting 2 applications, well there is a reason to it. If you have read my GMAT post, you will get the hint there. I will spell the details in another post. But for now, it is sufficient to say that I have another tryst with GMAT before the last week of Nov!
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