Blizzard of ’78

I was talking to a friend last Friday about how we were fortunate to have avoided the bad weather. I was referring to the blizzard that missed New England and instead tormented the neighboring southern states dropping close to 30 inches of snow in certain areas. We talked about how states like Virginia, so ill equipped for snowstorm, might be crippled in the coming week.

Over our conversation, my friend talked about another blizzard of similar magnitude. It was 32 years ago, exactly the same time period (first week of Feb) the only difference being that it did not spare New England. He mentioned how the blizzard had brought the entire New England to a standstill, cars were stuck on the MassPike, people left their cars on the highway and walked miles to reach the confines of their home, schools were closed and most offices were closed for a few days. Over a few days the snowfall had accumulated up to 44 inches (with 27inches on one day).But he didn’t remember that blizzard for the damage it inflicted; instead he remembered how it brought the best out of everyone. He remembered that after the first day people came out of their houses, walked together to the grocery, tried to help each other in clearing up the snow, small kids teamed up to make snowman and older ones took up tubing and snow boarding. It was kind of a festive atmosphere, with the blizzard and its affect taking a backstage.

Adversity brings out the best in people. So true!

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